Fantasy Art (AI)

Building fantasy places or creatures is now possible using the lastest AI generators. Artists are now learning more than just their craft, we are learning how to describe (prompt) to create art.

You can simply type a prompt and hope the AI engine will spit out exactly what you had imagined, but this is rarely the case. Learning and understanding how lighting works, depth of field and colour theory is all essential to make your fantasy creation as realistic as possible. There is then added post production work to smooth out the AI errors and properly finish the artwork.

Exploring the abilities of AI to help create new places, people, animals and objects is fascinating, but it is the artist running the show and in reality, AI is just another tool used for creation.

My real world experience of creating visuals and writing for communication puts me in an excellent position to help you develop your idea or create whole new ideas for you and your business.

Hampshire, UK

hedgehog sweet
magical creature in japan street
magical creature in japan street
dog illustration
stork with leaves for wings
matchbox car in play sand
magical creature in japan street
magical creature in japan street
japanese blossom tree
baby mobile natural butterflies

Other Projects

diamonds in mouth ai
AI Photorealism
bridal swirl
art picture of writer at desk

Let’s make something amazing together

6 + 12 =


Hampshire, UK